Christmas Activity – Revitalizing Vilar de Nantes Black Pottery

14 Dec. 2018


During this weekend (14-16 December) everyone can participate – from the youngest in the Atelier “Come and get your hands on the clay”, to the most grown up in the Workshop “Put your foot in the wheel” 🙂


In addition to the practical component, there will be a permanent exhibition with typical pieces of Black Clay from Vilar de Nantes.



ADRAT | Revitalizing Vilar de Nantes Black Pottery

ADRAT (Development Association of the Alto Tâmega Region) is a non-profit association that works with European and national programs through which contributes to the regional development.


Workshops proposed:
1. Ateliers “Get your hands down the clay”;
2. Workshops “Put the foot on the wheel”;
3. Mobile app: signaling and identification of the potters of Vilar de Nantes;
4. “Exhibition – Black Clay of Vilar de Nantes”.


More information soon.


AntĂłnio Machado