The mission of the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve (CCVAlg) is the scientific and technological dissemination through the promotion of actions which aim at developing scientific and technological culture among the population. Here it joins the Núcleo do Algarve da Associação de Professores de Matemática, whose goal is that the teaching of mathematics should be fascinating for all and that it should ensure equity and respect for differences, while valuing the sharing of tools that enable sustainable practices and active citizenship.
Walking routes in which the city is a place of learning and and a place of discovery through challenges that combine Science and Culture and where memories are produced.
The proposed action is composed of walking trails designed for families to explore the city(ies) in a relaxed way, observing and interacting with details that hint at the most varied areas of knowledge (Science, Art, History, etc.) and stimulate creativity at the same time.
More information soon.