Ceramic Sculpture and Wood Firing Course

27 Sep. 2020

Cerdeira Home For Creativity, Lousã

… from September 27 to October 5, with Renato Costa e Silva & Kerstin Thomas

Renato Costa e Silva is a researcher and storyteller, his sculpture tells us about it. If on the one hand they are the result of a methodical process of conception that goes through drawings and models, the preparation of the raw material until the most exact execution, preserves and cultivates, on the other hand, a spontaneity in the process of modeling and a willingness to experiment that culminates in the delivery of the pieces to the action of fire. Carried out in prepared and optimized folders for each new work, the pieces in stoneware or porcelain approach his vision of the world, and let emerge a deep understanding of the human being, full of humor and affection.


Together with Kerstin Thomas, he will support each student to progress and take home objects and small sculptures that reflect not only the learning done but also the personal expression of each one.

ADXTUR | Schist Villages

The Aldeias do Xisto Network is a regional sustainable development initiative led by ADXTUR, in partnership with 21 Municipalities of the Centro Region and more than 100 private operators. ADXTUR’s mission is to generate territorial attractiveness, stimulating a social and territorial sustainable and integrated development with nature and places.

Aldeias do Xisto aims to reinvent the culture of places with their inhabitants to create social and economic value in these territories. We invoke the memory of solidary of the rural and genuine community spirit to dare to do and experiment differently, based on our resources and opening the door to new thoughts and settlers.

Finding opportunities to face the vicious cycle of economic and social decline that most rural areas are facing today requires a renewed look at problems, exploring less traveled paths. Aldeias do Xisto has been building a living laboratory, inviting residents in these territories to create and experiment, and to create centres of transformation in the social fabric that are capable of germinating new ways of doing and being.


» Creative tourism pilot: Schist Villages
(Workshops: Wood carving; Ceramics; Linen manual weaving | Digital manufacturing meeting)

Cerdeira, Lousã | Janeiro de Cima, Fundão | Fab Lab, Fundão

Place; Experimentation; Community; Living lab; Wood; Ceramics; Weaving,; Digital manufacturing


Bruno Ramos | Kerstin Thomas
