Documentary Photography Workshop

01 Jun. 2019


On World International Children’s Day, parents and children will (re)discover the New Hand Lab – Cultural Association in an immersive experience. As one of the examples of industrial heritage of Covilhã, do not miss the opportunity to contemplate the material and immaterial estate of Fábrica António Estrela I Júlio Afonso with the guidance of photographer João Pedro Silva.


Register now for the latest Coolwool Documentary Photography Workshop “Heritage in Pictures” and guarantee yourself and your children an unforgettable day with a visit to the New Hand Lab! 🙂


Tecitex+Wool Museum UBI | COOLWOOL.

This partnership developed between Tecitex (New Hand Lab) and the Wool Museum of the University of Beira Interior, aims to highlight a very characteristic endogenous product: the wool.



A weekend dedicated to visit the factory, see woolen machines; visits to the works of the resident authors; presentation of a 1929 documentary with live music; workshop “Weaving stories”; and workshop “Creating Interactive Textiles” (a combination of traditional textiles and electrical conductive textile materials).


More information soon.


Guida Mendes Rolo | Rita Salvado